Greetings! Hopefully, everyone is enjoying a safe and lovely holiday season. As the new year is rapidly coming upon us, it is becoming more apparent that being able to safely hold an in person Hauke for June 2021 is unlikely. While the covid19 vaccines are slowly becoming available to help save the day, published estimates do not currently show that enough people will be inoculated in time to have a safe in-person event by summer (we would love to have this be proven wrong). The safety of participants will always be paramount to the Black Falcon School of Arms. With a heavy heart this is the official announcement that an in-person Hauke will not be occurring June 2021.
HOWEVER, as 2020 has taught all of us, most folks have access to video conference equipment so with a positive, glowing heart we would also like to announce the first VIRTUAL Summer of Hauke. The Summer of Hauke will start the first weekend of June 2021. Various instructors will be presenting weekly online lectures/activities for interested parties throughout the summer. The sessions will focus on subjects related to Historical European Martial Arts. Details are forthcoming as we shift our focus for the virtual summer event.
Thank you everyone for your support and camaraderie in arms. See your smiling faces for THE SUMMER OF HAUKE!